Bonuses for activity

I have developed a special bonus system, according to which, each of the active participants to get money for his work.
So, below is the price list:
- Comments in the group blog – up to $0.05;
- Repost the entry from the group blog to your page – $0.03;
- Comment on my video on YouTube – $0.01;
- Post in the topic of my blog at the investment forum – $0.01.
In addition, most active members of the month will be rewarded a special bonus, the amount of which may be between 1 and 50 dollars.
To to increase their activity You can use the following types of activities:
- post links to my blog on various Internet resources;
- invite to group blog in the "Vkontakte" and on the blog of your friends;
- to post screenshots with the contributions and payments of the projects that is hosted on my blog;
- to help others to learn on my portal.
Of course, there are specific rules:
- not in their posts to insult other members (everyone has their opinion and it must be considered);
- prohibited to use profanity in comments and posts (I for culture, in all its manifestations);
- not use in their comments external links not related to my blog (though I am not a disaster, but to pay for advertising for others not);
- not paid disconnected or single-line comments of the type: "Class", "Cool" etc. (I want to see Your opinion, but not to read and so familiar to me words);
- for payment of Your posts, or repost in social networks, Your account must be at least 100 friends (fakie and just ad accounts do not participate in the bonus);
- the last and most important: do not try cheat comments and posts. To calculate what You write under different accounts (the accounts) – simple. Better take your time to action under their own profile and will be able to get special bonus up to$50. It's much more profitable.
Once a month (4), You will need send report mail [email protected], which include the following information
- penetrate on the blog.
- ID of Your profile in Vkontakte;
- nick on YouTube;
- nick on mmgp;
- nick on Twitter;
- reviews in the VC (number);
- comments in YouTube (number);
- comments in FaceBook (number);
- comments in Twitter (number);
- posts on mmgp (number);
- Your wallet Perfect Money and Payeer;
- the Amount to pay (it can calculate for yourself the price list You have already seen).
That's all. Next the information You submitted, and make money transfer on Your specified details.
I note that the payment includes charges for all activity that was shown. previous month. Check Your reports and transfer You relying interest will be before the 15th day of each month following the reporting period.
Here in this way, dear readers, I plan on "to kill two birds with one stone". On the one hand I get increase in attendance of the resource, and on the other, will give You the opportunity earn. As for me, the proposal, at least, to carefully study and note.
I'm Sure we can do business together.
Happy New Year and Christmas. All the best.
the first trial bonus activity! 03.02.17 09:01 receive payment 1.18 USD from U12257574 account to U12****. Package: 162872030. Note: the Bonus from
Вonus for activity. Thanks
The amount of 6.23 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг. Date: 11:15 06.03.17. Batch: 167385202.
Вonus for activity. Thanks
The amount of 6.64 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 08:31 03.04.17. Batch: 171416820.
Спасибо! 10:15 02.02.18 Receive 203877884 U12257574
Richi - Bonus +6.2 13.99 Received Payment 6.2 USD from account U12257574. Memo: Бонус за постинг!
Бонус за активность. Спасибо!
The amount of 1.54 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U563****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 09:41 02.02.18. Batch: 203874939.
Спасибо за оплату активности!
The amount of 1.36 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 09:40 02.02.18. Batch: 203874884.
Спасибо за бонус : The amount of 9.61 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U11388***. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 11:26 02.02.18. Batch: 203884042.
Спасибо за оплату активности!
The amount of 5.3 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 08:26 04.03.18. Batch: 207298324.
Получила бонус за активность. Спасибо!
The amount of 0.82 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U563****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 08:25 04.03.18. Batch: 207298250.
Thanks for the bonus: 03.04.18 08:36 Account Receive +14.81 Received Payment 14.81 USD from account U12257574 to account U11388***. Batch: 207299081. Memo: Бонус за постинг!
Спасибо за конкурс и шикарный приз!
ID транзакции
Дата время
10.03.2018 16:50
+20.00 USD
За третье место в конкурсе "Активист Rich&Free"
Огромное спасибо за бонус!!! Transaction ID: 2d962500-73ca-4a3a-8508-c5260b13724e От: [email protected] Сумма: 30.00 USD Примечание: За второе место в конкурсе "Активист Rich&Free"
Thanks for the bonus:
10 Mar, 15:47
Transaction ID:
[email protected]
50.00 USD
За первое место в конкурсе "Активист Rich&Free"
Спасибо за оплату активности!
The amount of 1.41 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 17:59 05.04.18. Batch: 210765964.
Бонус за активность. Спасибо!
The amount of 1.84 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U563****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 17:59 05.04.18. Batch: 210766071.
Thanks for the bonus: 04.05.18 18:22 Account Receive +14.84 Received Payment 14.84 USD from account U12257574 to account U11388*** Batch: 210767825. Memo: Бонус за постинг!
Thanks for the bonus 18:47 05.04.18 Receive 210769912 U12257574 Richi - Bonus +3.04 Received Payment 3.04 USD from account U12257574. Memo: Бонус за постинг!
Спасибо большое за бонус! 05.04.18 18:30 Receive Received Payment 12.46 USD from account U12257574 to account U12409199. Batch: 210768662. Memo: Бонус за постинг!
Спасибо за оплату активности!
The amount of 0.96 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U39*****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 18:02 04.05.18. Batch: 213726242.
Бонус за активность. Спасибо!
The amount of 2.08 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U12257574->U563****. Memo: Бонус за постинг!. Date: 18:03 04.05.18. Batch: 213726309.