«Trust Premier» - SCAM

Welcome back, dear readers of my blog.
As I said earlier, I will acquaint You with the projects in which to invest myself, and tell about how the process of investment and many managed to earn in a particular project.
Just recently, I started working with promising, in my opinion, the Fund called "Premier Trust", in which an investor can get a yield of 12% to 30% per month.
So, what attracted me in this project? First is the site itself. Examining it, I noticed that, in addition to script (the program determines the design and functionality – the heart of any website), visible to the hard work of its creators over the content of the sections and creating the company's image. Also, the impression and protect the site from third party interference. In addition to SSL certificate from Comodo, which can be found in almost any project, there is a special software from the market leader, the company DDoS Guard.
It is Worth noting the full package of documents, which confirms the legal activities of the company, and also allows you to draw with "Premier Trust" documented by a certified relationships.
In addition to all this, the site has the information that many overlook and don't pay her enough attention is the ability to order a specialist to your home to commit investment in the Fund. In this case we are not interested in the service itself, and what she says. And she says that the "Premier Trust" there are people who function as the investment in real life, not just through the Internet. This is an extremely convincing argument in favor of the company.
And now a little bit I will explain what "Premier Trust" and what they do. Founded in 2014 Credit Consumer Cooperative (PDA), "trust the Prime Minister" is engaged in attracting investments in the agricultural industry, real estate industry, refinery and factories, as well as in venture funds. And more recently, their scope has become the Forex market.
So, after registering, You will be available for investment three tariff plans:
- "Trust Begin" – with a yield of 10% of the amount of Your Deposit over 25 days of his work. This rate is the best available terms minimum Deposit amount, which is equal to 10$a and is ideal for exploring the operation;
- "Trust Capability" has an increased yield of 21% per month, but at the same time Your contribution increases to 60 days, and Deposit amount should be from 501 to 3000 USD. Based on these data, it is possible to calculate that at the expiration of 60 days, You will receive back your Deposit + 42% net profit;
- "Trust Professional" – the most profitable tariff package, which will bring the investor the ultimate profit of 80% of the initial investment.
However, the life of the deposit here for 80 and the minimum investment amount is set at the rate of 3001 USD.
Despite the fact that the timing of investments in all tariffs, not too short, it should be noted that income is accrued daily. For example, according to the tariff plan "Trust Capability", You put the overall percentage of profit in the amount of 42% in 60 days.
Considering the fact that profit is calculated daily, that every 24 hours You'll receive 0,7% of the amount of Your Deposit to the account in the "Premier Trust". The money YOUR and You can safely withdraw them from the draft for purses Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Payeer, OKPay or Bank details.
To get started with the project "Premier Trust", You need to go through a simple registration process and then sign an electronic document and make membership fee $ 10. This money is You not going anywhere, they are made on a Deposit in the first plan and after 25 days will return to You with interest. It should be noted that the methods of depositing much more than inference methods. So, in addition to payment systems for withdrawing funds You can use to Deposit money to the balance of the Alfa Bank, Sberbank, QIWI, Western Union, NIXmoney, ADVCash, PrivatBank and Interkassa.
After Your account is confirmed, You may create your first deposit. Here I recommend You initially to think seriously and decide how much You are willing to contribute to the Fund and to calculate the possible amount of profit. the Personally I started with 800$, because I think that the second tariff plan is much more interesting than the first. After my Deposit I will make the decision on transition to the third rate.
For those users who are attracted to the project of other investors, have the opportunity to receive additional income from "Premier Trust". If Your unique link which You will find in your account in the tab Partner programme register new member, then, after payment of the Deposit You will receive to your account 10% of the amount invested by such participant.
Affiliate program has two kinds: simple and multi-level.
Simple option, You get profit only from one level of their partners and it can be:
- 7% if Your referrals invested in the Fund from $10 to $3000;
- 10% the total amount of deposits of Your referrals from 3001 to $ 50,000;
- When the sum of the contributions of Your partners will be higher USD 50,000, You get VIP status and the maximum reward. In this case, the remuneration will depend on Your mutual agreement with the administration of the "Premier Trust"
Multi-level option implies the possibility of obtaining rewards, not only from those people who have invited You personally, but from those who have been invited by Your partners.
If Your partners have invested from 10 to$2000 You will receive:
- 7% of the Deposit personally invited participants;
- 2% from referrals second level;
- 1% third.
With the increase in turnover of Your partners up to level 2001-50000 $ added another level and structure of charges will have the following:
- 7% of the Deposit partners in the first line;
- 3% from referrals second level;
- 2% third;
- 1% from the account balance of the partners of the fourth level.
As I already said, after registration, You will have access to a personal account in project "Premier Trust". In addition to the traditional opportunities to replenish the balance, request payment, view your transactions, You can get the materials to attract partners, and to use the service "Trust-telephony".
In my opinion, this is a very handy feature and I thought it hooked up. It allows you to set your phone number as a contact and receive SMS with the confirmation code financial operations, project news, as well as notification that You have ordered the application for withdrawal has been processed.
Now let's talk about technical support of users. In case of difficulties when working with the project, You have the opportunity to consult by phone by calling the number +7 (812) 241-16 03 or order a call back. In addition, there is a convenient online user chat, email, technical support division, and project groups in social networks, Facebook and Twitter.
I Personally tested each of these methods of communication and can say that all the assistance was provided for no more than half an hour, so, no, You will not stay. Also, the site has a General chat users who can help by providing information based on his personal experience.
Interesting window Trading signals. I dwell I will not say that every user who has worked on Forex or want to try their hand in this direction, can buy trading signals that will greatly help to understand the situation on the market and, consequently, can bring good profit for trading. Since I engaged in such activity, I personally, this is interesting.
Here, in General, and all I wanted to talk about "Premier Trust" You, dear readers of this blog. If this project interested You and lit a spark in my chest, I will be glad to see You on my team. For its part, I will try to provide You full support regarding all aspects of the project "Premier Trust".
To register in this project, quickly and easily, You can here.
My contribution:
«Trust Premier» - SCAM

И снова приветствую Вас, уважаемые читатели моего блога.
Как я и говорил ранее, периодически я буду знакомить Вас с проектами, в которые инвестирую сам и рассказывать о том, как идет процесс инвестирования и сколько удалось заработать в том или ином проекте.
И вот совсем недавно, я начал работу с перспективным, по моему мнению, фондом под названием «Trust Premier», в котором инвестор может получить доходность от 12% до 30% в месяц.
Итак, что же меня привлекло в данном проекте? Во-первых – это сам сайт. Рассматривая его, я заметил, что, кроме уникального скрипта (программа определяющая дизайн и функциональность – сердце любого сайта), видна кропотливая работа его создателей над наполнением разделов и созданием имиджа компании.

Серьезно решили зайти в проект. Я пока посмотрю немного, но также планирую вложиться.

Вы торгуете на форексе, из статьи узнал, что вам могут быть интересные сигналы на рынке форекс.

Это для собственной торговли или только для спекулирования на продаже самых сигналов?

Проектом и админами восхищаюсь - ответственно подошли к делу. И документы есть, и верификацию пройти надо, и показывают хорошую работу

Признак долгой работы проекта. Хорошо постарались, чтобы долго проработать.

07:00 01.02.17 Receive 162343712 U11663808
Premier +1.00

Оперативная выплата:
03.05.17 20:56 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 167310898. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.

Выплата с проекта:
03.13.17 04:33 Received Payment 31.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 168366061. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.

Круто, что проект еще платит и позволяет заработать своим пользователям.

Круто, что проект еще работает и выплчивает прибыль. Очень нравиться, что есть такие варианты для инвестирования.

03.24.17 04:50 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 169919181. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.

03.31.17 23:50 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 170904984. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.

Внутренняя транзакция API
Transaction ID: 773323e8-0c77-4928-aa5f-e59a73bee18c
Сумма: 1.20 USD
Примечание: Trust-Premier.com Pay.

Внутренняя транзакция API
Transaction ID: 3a7a603b-81fb-4fe4-b04b-86b0134fd178
Сумма: 1.20 USD
Примечание: Trust-Premier.com Pay.

Внутренняя транзакция API
Transaction ID: 2b1741ad-26a1-4ffb-a9d7-a295174d3fa4
Сумма: 1.20 USD
Примечание: Trust-Premier.com Pay.
Позвоните мне, пожалуйста, по этому номеру 8(495) 230-10-78
Позвоните мне, пожалуйста, по этому номеру 8(812) 426-88-69
Ручной инстант:
02.26.17 16:09 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 166025559. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier Pay.
Fast payout:
02.26.17 16:09 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 166025559. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier Pay.
Fast payout:
03.05.17 20:56 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 167310898. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.
03.13.17 04:33 Received Payment 31.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 168366061. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.
03.24.17 04:50 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 169919181. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.
03.31.17 23:50 Received Payment 1.00 USD from account U11663808. Batch: 170904984. Memo: API Payment. Trust-Premier.com Pay.