Investment pool

Good day to All, dear readers.
In this article I want to tell You about one of the types of increasing profits when investing.
As You can see in many investment funds, the percentage of profit is directly proportional to the amount of the Deposit. That is, the larger size of Your contribution, the more interest profit. I'm not going to explain why administrators do that, I think it's obvious, and focus on how having an amount less than the minimum threshold of investing in this or that rate, to make it Deposit and get a higher profits.
This is possible thanks to "pools". the Pool is the total "Bank" several investors. It is created for "collective investment" and, as a consequence, obtaining high profits from the investment Fund. Often, pool is generated if its members individually do not possess the desired amount or just don't want to risk a large amount of funds.
For example, the investment Fund offers two tariff plans:
- 10% profit for 20 days investing to 500$;
- 50% profit for 20 days investments from 500$.
With the amount of 100$ You can count on total return in $ 110, of which 10$ is Your profit. But, of course, every investor wants to get as much as possible.
To do this, it creates a pool attracts the 4 members Deposit $ 100. After that, he makes a Deposit in the second plan and at the expiration of the investment period is the amount of $ 750. The money he equally divided among all participants, as their Deposit was equal, and it turns out that every one of them with their hundreds of dollars got in the end 150$. The benefit is obvious: individually, each investor would receive a 110$ and participating in pool $ 150.
This is what I want to offer You. For certain projects I will consider perspective will open the pools what will be specified to all readers my blog.
As the administrator pool, of course, I'm going to be. I will also participate in the process of investing in this pool, that is, in this Fund will share my money.
I've been thinking about how to make this process maximally effective and convenient for each participant and came to the conclusion that the items listed below will be the most comfortable:
- On the opening pool, I'll point out in news and groups for your blog and project description. The text on the opening pool displays the total nrequired amount investment Your profit, the timing of investments, payment system which you can use to transfer money in pool and a time frame within which it is necessary to form the total sum of pool;
- when investing in pool in the project all participants will notified about the opening of the Deposit according to the e-mail. Also, information about opening Deposit funds from pool published in the news my blog;
- Initially, the payment came from pool will be made in the following manner:
- Once a week (tentatively on Monday) for projects with daily charge;
- end of term investment projects urgent type of contribution;
- amounts in the body size of the Deposit for projects with lifetime of work investment.
- All payments will be allocated proportional amount that party is listed in pool.
- To operational issues regarding timing of payment from pool, conditions of participation, etc. all the participants can write to chat, where we will discuss the terms each the particular case;
- All participants pool equal rights can take active participation in the discussion of its terms regardless of the size of their share in the total investment portfolio.
In my opinion, these rules will allow you to create the most effective atmosphere among the participants in pool, and let best use the economic potential of any investment project.
Because these rules are – my vision, I'm happy to read Your feedback, as I try to make all the conditions the most comfortable and best for You, so Your offer will be considered and taken into account.
Good us earnings!