«Merchantshares» SCAM

Once again welcome You, dear readers, on my blog.
In this article, I would like to present to You another investment project, which, in my opinion, can serve as a great tool to earn money on the Internet network.
Recently, I increasingly began to find the name "Merchantshares" at investment forums, but, at first, did not pay due attention to this Fund. Painfully simple I thought his site, and with projects of this administrator I had not had Affairs.
However, one night, (I do not remember why) I decided to look for detailed information about "Merchantshares", and, after a detailed review of all the reviews and opinions that are online, I came to the conclusion that I seriously underestimated this project.
The Fund "Merchantshares" - was registered in 2007 in the Dominican Republic under the name "Merchant Service Corp" (certificate of registration of the company, by the way, is on the main page of the site). Its main objective is investment in shares of large companies, trading on the Forex market, exclusive products of world manufacturers, as well as for advertising projects. I don't think You need to explain that these types of investments has always been the most profitable and showed high efficiency of capital investments.
This attracted me to the project "Merchantshares".
As to its site, it is made on a unique script from Inhouse Development (serious on all counts firm) and offers reliable protection thanks to the installed SSL certificate from no less serious companies COMODO.
The Basis of these data, we can conclude that the management of the project "Merchantshares" quite respectable people, and their proposal should be considered more carefully.
So, Mar 2014, Fund, "Merchantshares" took to the Internet in search of private investors to increase trading volume and, as a consequence, their profit. Simply put, all investments of the users are accumulated on separate accounts of the company "Merchantshares", thereby increasing the size of its investment portfolio for trading. After the closing of the transactions, Fund administration "Merchantshares" makes charging the profits to their investors according to the share of their participation in the formation of the total portfolio.
Now, let's take a closer look at what profit you can get from the cooperation with "Merchantshares".
Initially, I note the fact that although the minimum Deposit here is $ 20, it is best to invest not less than 100 USD. Choosing a minimum Deposit of, You simply will not experience significant economic effects from Your Deposit. However, to decide how much to contribute to this project – up to You, I can only suggest.
So, after making a Deposit in the project "Merchantshares", every 24 hours You will earn a profit from 0.25% to 2.25%. It will continue until until the total amount of fees reaches the 150% from initial investment. In this marketing, accurately calculate the time at which accrual will be equal to this indicator is not possible. However, the site has an easy profit calculator where I could calculate my profit based on the initial Deposit of 800 USD (as I made in the draft "Merchantshares").
Unfortunately, the whole table does not fit, so I'll show You the first and last lines:
As can be seen from these drawings, my Deposit is finished in 142 days, bringing the total volume of profits in the 400$ (of payments on the 1200$ from 800$ – the body of the Deposit, the rest is profit). This calculation was made in the contribution to trade of Forex (I love this thing) and without regard to reinvestment.
If set to 100% reinvest, the final amount of profit will be much higher – as much as 9719 of United States dollar. However, the reinvestment deprives me of the opportunity, daily withdrawal, which in turn significantly increases the risks. Go for it I, of course, is not yet ready (in the future, perhaps my opinion will change, but for now).
Also You are free to choose an area to invest Your money managers "Merchantshares" of these options:
- Forex;
- Web Ads;
- Commodities;
- Stocks.
The difference in these directions is just what the ordinary charge for weekends only available in Web Ads (for other rates, on the weekends is the minimum rate of profit in the amount of 0,25%) and Stocks, the life of the Deposit will be a few more (of150 days), at least it shows the profit calculator.
To invest in "Merchantshares", You need to go through the process registration and to make the project a desired amount of Deposit. This can be done using Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin, Neteller, OKpay, Solid Trust or PAYTOO. After making the investment, all You have left is to periodically visit the website and order the withdrawal of profits themselves in the wallet when it reaches 5$. By the way, the payments come instantly, in the language of the world of investments: ""Merchantshares" there are instant payments".
I was attracted by the opportunity of early Deposit withdrawal. Although it is made with deduction from your Commission at the rate of 50% of the nominal value of investments, this option is very useful if You urgently need money, or You decided that to continue work on the project is not worth it.
You also need to be prepared for the fact that at entry to the Fund "Merchantshares" the total amount invested more than 250 $ , you will be required to verify the identity.
- So, when you invest 250 to $ 500 you must verify your phone number;
- Deposit from 501 to 1000 USD, you will need an additional verification of the identity document;
- With contributions from 1001 to 2500$, you need verification of conformity of Your photo in the papers with Your personality via Skype;
- And if you Deposit 2501 of the dollar will need to verify your address.
Overall, it's not as scary as it looks. Verification is quite fast and no problems with it not occurs.
You can earn and affiliate program "Merchantshares". Inviting the project to other users by your referral link, You will be able to remuneration in the amount of 5% of the amount of their contribution to the Fund "Merchantshares". Agree, a good boost to income. Also you should know that the remuneration from referrals is only for their deposits, and reinvest the referral Commission is not paid in addition, the minimum withdrawal amount of referral reward is the$2.5.
There is Still the opportunity to become the official representative of the "Merchantshares". In this case, Your data will be posted on the official project website and new users will be able to contact You for information to become Your referrals. It is noteworthy that to obtain this status, it is enough to have your own blog, group in a social network or website and be verified by the user of the project "Merchantshares".
Also, suddenly someone come in handy, it is possible to change Your upliner (on whose referral link You registered) in the personal Cabinet. This can be done only if at the time it changes You have not made a Deposit in the "Merchantshares".
So in the end, briefly running through the BackOffice and technical support.
After registration, You will mail the letter with a request to activate your account. I write this to You carefully filled in his email address, as in the case of an error, the registration will be impossible. After account activation, You will be redirected to your account that has high functionality and pretty design. On the main page of the Cabinet You will find the total return on all tariffs "Merchantshares" in the last 2 weeks, personal income on Your investments in the form of graphs and summary financial statistics of your account.
Here you can create a Deposit edit your profile settings, order payment, pass the verification process, view the history of charges and payments, create gift certificates to other users, to get their unique link to attract referrals, to watch the activity of its partnership structure, to contact customer support and leave your feedback on the "Merchantshares".
In General, this is technically a personal account, I have not seen in any single project. Personally to me he just conquered.
Get the qualified help of specialists "Merchantshares" in the event of difficulties, you can through the ticket system and online helper. Work support fairly quickly, so a long wait for answers to the questions You have.
Here, perhaps, and all I wanted to tell You about "Merchantshares". As for me, the combination of all the factors that I have listed in this article are more than enough to understand that the Fund will last for a very long time.
What I was looking for, but couldn't find serious disadvantages in "Merchantshares". Is that full of English-speaking site was originally hit. But the founders of the project promised in a short time efficiently to translate it to 70!!! languages. But until that happens, the problem solves a combination of Google translator + the online assistant on the site.
And You, luckily, will be easier since I'm already fully versed in the project "Merchantshares" and ready to answer any of Your questions, dear readers. So if I missed something in this article – feel free to write your questions in the comments under it and will deal with.
Well, now, it's time to wish You all the best and say goodbye. Until we meet again.
«Merchantshares» (SCAM)

Вновь рад приветствовать Вас, дорогие читатели, на моем блоге.
В этой статье, я хотел бы представить Вам еще один инвестиционный проект, который, по моему мнению, может послужить отличным инструментом для заработка на просторах интернет сети.
С недавнего времени, я все чаще стал встречать название «Merchantshares» на инвестиционных форумах, но, поначалу, не уделял должного внимания данному фонду. Уж больно простым мне казался его сайт, да и с проектами этого администратора я раньше не имел дел.

Интересный маркетинг у проекта. Вы вкладывали в проект?

Нужно внимательно посмотреть и вкунуть долларов 100 для начала, а потом будет видно.

Сколько дней до без убытка считал кто нибудь ?

Неплохой проект, но считаю, что уже поздно ввкладывать. Лучше вложу в новые проекты на блоге.
03.24.17 00:07 Received Payment 0.9 USD from account U13903933. Batch: 169900735. Memo: API Payment.
03.24.17 00:07 Received Payment 0.9 USD from account U13903933. Batch: 169900735. Memo: API Payment.