
Hello, dear readers and visitors of my blog.
Every day, not less than 5 hours I spend reading various forums and other investment portals to search for new, promising funds for earnings. Not so long ago, I turned my attention to one project which, in my opinion, may well increase the capital of their depositors.
Under the terms of its marketing, anyone can get 2% profit after 7 days work contribution. This rate puts him in the category of low-income (up to 30% per month is nizkodohodnye), on the other hand, its profitability per year is about 104%, can not provide any Bank of the world. Well I won't beat around the Bush and tell you in more detail.
The project is called "Citybuildtrade" involved, as You might have already guessed, building construction. According to the information on the website, "Citybuildtrade" 2013 and during that time, she was able to design and complete projects such as: "Pasig Bridge", "Eton Place Dalian Tower" and 7 of the international structures.
The essence of the earnings, with "Citybuildtrade" is very simple, You invest in company, she of all the funds that made private investors, forms the overall investment portfolio, which aims to create new objects.
To be honest, the website, of course, beauty does not Shine. Perhaps because of this, many people do not pay attention to it. However, I consider it necessary to note that despite the outer ugliness, he is working on a unique script and has a custom design. Based on this, we can say that its creators are quite serious approach to the development of the project.
Investment proposal "Citybuildtrade" quite simple. After 7 days Your investment, You will get back the body of the contribution of the + 2% profit. Thus, the total refund after the end of the investment period will be 102% of the original amount. I can only say that I love that such short-term tariff plans. They allow you to operate with your free funds, because you do not need to wait for 2-3 months until your Deposit defrosts. If found another project and want to contribute the maximum, you can withdraw your Deposit of "Citybuildtrade" within 7 days and redirect it to the new project. Well, this is my personal opinion, maybe someone thinks differently.
It is worth noting the variety of payment systems through which you can replenish and withdraw funds. In addition to traditional investment projects Perfect Money, Payeer, QIWI, OKpay, Bitcoin and Yandex Money, on the website there is the possibility to use the system Visa, Master Card, Wallet One, the EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, Western Union and wire transfers.
Overall, this diversification of methods of I / o, deserves, if not applause, respect certainly. Funds from the project "Citybuildtrade" are excreted by the statements manually on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Many beginning investors mistakenly assume that the manual output is bad. In fact, this method of processing has its advantages. At least, eliminated the system error output in the event of unauthorized order of payment of funds from Your account, there's always time to contact support and report fraud.
There is also the possibility of additional earnings through the affiliate program "Citybuildtrade". By its terms, You will receive a reward in the amount of 2% of the Deposit amount user that registered the project on Your referral link.
Maybe it's not so much. But, in my opinion, the size of the referral Commission fee combined with a percentage of profits on investment, is the key to long life "Citybuildtrade" .
After registration, You will be redirected to your account. It is simple. Despite the fact that all information is presented in English only, topics have a simple name and very conveniently located, and it greatly simplifies the job of investing in "Citybuildtrade".
In account You can change your account settings, to create a Deposit, view a list of active deposits, deposits, charges, profits and rewards, request payment, view a timeline of withdrawal. Also here You will find a list of your referrals, Your unique link to invite partners, will be able to change your account settings and set it protection.
In addition, in a private office has enough good profit calculator that will help You make the decision on the amount of the Deposit, putting the economic effect of his work.
A bit tricky here with support. It is represented by ticketing system and its operators communicate only in English. But we are not stupid people and can always use automatic translators, which the network has a huge amount.
As to the operational efficiency of the staff support, I can say that, on average, the answer comes in the 2-3 hours days and 5-6 hours on weekends. This is my personal observation. Perhaps other users while waiting for the response is different.
Well, it's time to take stock.
In my opinion, the project "Citybuildtrade", despite its modest design and low popularity, has all the attributes worthy of the investment Fund and here's why:
- Does 2013. On the Russian investment forums in Feb 2014, but it is also not a short time;
- In any forum, blog or monitor there are no messages on delays of payment or even of non-payment;
- Marketing rates and referral Commission rates are reasonable in value and provide "Citybuildtrade" survivability;
- Site created by foreign administrator and his main audience is users from European countries. Given their approach to business (we still have a lot to learn), which is characterized by thoroughness and reasonableness, we can safely assume that the financial flow for the project "Citybuildtrade" has a smooth graph with no sharp drawdowns.
All of the above, and average annual income investments in the amount of 104%, allows me to consider this Fund as a promising tool for earning money. Personally, I do not pass past him and the rest will make a contribution in the amount of 800$.
And You suggest to consider in more detail "Citybuildtrade". Remember the proverb: "Meet on clothes, and escorted to the mind"?
In this case, it can be rephrased as: "Meet by design, and escorted profit". Although, for us, the most important is the ability to distinguish between what is hidden behind the wrapper (design) and get the maximum profit.
Sure, the Foundation "Citybuildtrade" - this is the case when the modest appearance of the wrapper is good..
Until next time, dear investors.
02.24.23 15:10AccountReceive+3.00Received Payment 3.00 USD from account U10592455 to account U17812398. Batch: 507408976. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to gachaboroda from citybuildtrade.com.
02.26.23 20:55AccountReceive+2.00Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U10592455 to account U17812398. Batch: 507719721. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to gachaboroda from citybuildtrade.com
02.28.23 07:18AccountReceive+2.00Received Payment 2.00 USD from account U10592455 to account U17812398. Batch: 507898311. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to gachaboroda from citybuildtrade.com.
03.04.23 18:38AccountReceive+0.5Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U10592455 to account U17812398. Batch: 509107104. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to gachaboroda from citybuildtrade.com.