"Agrarian-benefit" - SCAM

Welcome, dear readers of my blog.
It's been some time since our last communication on investment funds and after a long search, I finally found a project, which, in my opinion, can good to increase the assets each of us.
So, are you new to my blog Fund – "Agrarian-benefit".
Actually, this project has 65 on many investment forums and monitoring it has only positive feedback. Most of the participants have already moved to breakeven and net gain.
However, as You know, rumor is one thing and personal experience – other. After analyzing all the pros and cons, after reading all of the comments and opinions, I still decided to make it a contribution, and now we can present the advantages and You, dear friends.
To begin with, that "Agrarian-benefit" is officially registered in Britain, the company, field of activity is investing in the agricultural sector. Of course, many of You can say that in our technological world, this sector is not very profitable. It would be far better to invest in nano-technology, artificial intelligence and so on. But think about one question: "How can You live without a mobile phone and how long without food?" In my opinion, this area is a bottomless fount of profit, as even in the pyramid of the great scientist Abraham Maslow, physiological needs (food, water) are at the very core of our existence.
That "Agrarian-benefit" act solely in the legal field can be judged on the basis of located at certificate of official registration and green stripes "greenbar" in the address bar of their website. For those who don't know, I would say that this tool is do not call without checking the company documents.
Site "Agrarian-benefit" it is very attractive. It is made in the theme design, created to ensure the license of the company "H-Sсript". Also the site is securely protected by SSL certificate from the "COMODO" software "DDoS Guard". All of these factors combined show us that the administration of the Fund is very correctly and meticulously approached the creation of of the portal and, therefore, they have long term goals.
Well, let's move on to earnings with the project "Agrarian-benefit".
For everyone who wants to invest in this Fund is available 3 subscription plans
The first rate has the short term Deposit (5 days), while the profit for Your contribution over this period will amount to 9%. That is, after 5 days You receive 109% of the amount of its contribution. To invest in this plan any amount in the range of 10 to 555 dollars.
Second rate has daily basis 5% of the amount of Your Deposit. The contribution in this regard is 30 days, and, consequently, at the end of the investment period, You get 150% of the nominal value of the Deposit. The minimum Deposit amount, as in the previous tariff equal to 10$a, and the top bracket increased to 55555 USD.
The third and Last available rate with a minimum Deposit of $ 55. He has the life of the contribution to 15 days, and the profit is credited every 5 days of 43.3%. Thus, getting three charges, You will have a sum of 130% the size of the initial investment.
As for me, the investment proposal "Agrarian-benefit" not only is profitable but well-balanced. Such marketing allows you to work long time, without major drawdowns, it is very important.
Still, dear readers, you should know that in addition, earnings on investment, this project can make a profit at the expense of the invitation of the partners. Like every sensible investment Fund, "Agrarian-benefit" aims to develop and ready to motivate their partners that help.
The amount of remuneration for the affiliate program here is 10% of the Deposit amount of Your referrals or from their earnings.
If to be exact, if Your referral makes a Deposit in the second or a third tariff plan, You get 10% of the size of his contribution.
If Your partner has chosen the first rate, then Your profit will be equal to 10% of the earnings.
Why? It's very simple, so here's a thoughtful step, management of "Agrarian-benefit" protect yourself from the so-called hitrunners, which, pardon the expression, ruined more than one explanatory Fund. Personally, I support such a decision administration.
To Invest in "Agrarian-benefit" or get out the payment on the following payment system:
- Perfect Money;
- Payeer;
- Bitcoin;
- Advcash.
It is worth knowing that all financial transactions on the project are made instantly. That is, after you create a Deposit or withdrawal, they will be executed at the same moment, without a long processing operators. To clarify another point, a withdrawal available only to the payment system with which You made the contribution. The same goes for affiliate fees. If Your partner made a contribution to Advcash, to withdraw these funds you can only this payment system. So if You decide to invite partners, take care of creating purses in all EPS with which the project works.
Personal account, as for me – simple and straightforward. I will not talk about the beautiful design and how I liked, and focus on the useful investor tools.
On the main page of account, a summary of information about Your account (how much money is available for withdrawal, how to Deposit and how much is waiting). Next to it are buttons to reinvest (contribution balance), creating a Deposit with EPS and withdrawal.
Just below is detailed financial information on payment systems. It will help You in planning Your work with the Foundation. Under this table there are links to change your profile settings.
At the Top of the personal Cabinet you can view your transactions and contributions to the link to attract partners, and to set or change your payment details.
I Think for You not to be superfluous, and the information that recently the administration of the "Agrarian-benefit" has launched a series of stock. For example, for a video overview of the project, You can get a nice bonus Deposit from 5,55% to 15.55%, and yet, everyone who joins the chat project in Telegram have many gifts from the company. Don't know about You, but I already monitor their chat. Detailed information about all promotions You can find in the section "news" on the main page of the site "Agrarian-benefit".
Thus, it remains to mention that in case you encounter problems with the site, You will find a skilled care employees support to bind which is possible through the form on the website, by phone and in project groups in social networks.
Well friends, I hope You are not tired. I wanted as much to tell You about "Agrarian-benefit" and the text came out a bit long.
In any case, I have more information about this project, and if you want to clarify something, You know what to do please mail me or chat my blog Telegram.
good Luck to all of us.
My contribution:
P/S the Dynamics of deposits in the "Agrarian-benefit" you can look at InvestorsStartPage.com
«Agrarian-benefit» - SCAM

Приветствую Вас, дорогие и уважаемые читатели моего блога.
Прошло не так много времени с момента нашего последнего общения об инвестиционных фондах и после долгих поисков, я наконец-то нашел проект, который, по моему мнению, может неплохо увеличить активы каждого из нас.

02.17.17 22:02 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 164806213. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U352**. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 19:46 17.02.17. Batch: 164793534.
13:12 18.02.17 Transfer 164880900 U12815954
AGRARIANB -26.51 Sent Payment 26.00 USD to account U12815954. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD. Payment ID: 46830
18 Feb, 18:16 Transaction ID: 6b209a09-9b40-4543-91aa-b17432256548
От: [email protected]
Сумма: 0.50 USD

Мгновенный вывод!
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:17 18.02.17. Batch: 164916774.

Что-то новенькое, давно я не видел проектов связанных с аграрным сектором. Возможно, скоро будут и предложения связанные с сельским хазяйством.

Интересный проект. Конечно, наличие документов не играет большой роли, но все же повышает шансы для долгого существования и доверия среди инвесторов.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U352**. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 19:48 18.02.17. Batch: 164925555.

02.18.17 16:33 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 164904435. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.

Payment 32.7 USD
17:15 18.02.17 Receive 164909490 U12815954
AGRARIANB +32.7 Received Payment 32.7 USD from account U12815954. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.

Достаточно хорошие условия. При тарифе от 55 долларов можно окупить свой вклади выйти в прибыль всего за 15 дней.

Сделаю в этот и последний проект вклад и буду получать проценты. Также, буду отписываться о результатах.
19 Feb, 14:37 Transaction ID: 2e35850d-e566-4626-8450-56f8bc0defc7
От: [email protected]
Сумма: 0.50 USD

The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:00 19.02.17. Batch: 165036925
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U352**. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 19:36 19.02.17. Batch: 165049046.

02.19.17 23:21 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 165068549. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
20 Feb, 14:29
Внутренняя транзакция
Внутренняя транзакция API
Transaction ID:
[email protected]
0.50 USD

The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 17:50 20.02.17. Batch: 165198809.
The amount of 1.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U352**. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 19:23 20.02.17. Batch: 165211680.

02.20.17 16:17 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 165185307. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
Deposit! 23.02.17 17:45 Transfer sent payment 29.00 USD to account U12815954 from U1***. Package: 165652182. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. AGRICULTURAL BENEFIT LTD.
02.23.17 23:12 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 165681037. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
Instant payment
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 17:52 24.02.17. Batch: 165797292.
02.24.17 18:00 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 165798308. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
02.25.17 14:34 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 165900957. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 17:47 25.02.17. Batch: 165922181.
02.26.17 14:03 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 166010779. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
Instant payment
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 17:44 26.02.17. Batch: 166036194.
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 17:54 27.02.17. Batch: 166181968.
02.27.17 23:49 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 166213181. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
paid:платит! 28.02.17 17:50 Receive Received Payment 32.32 USD from account U12815954 to account U1***. Batch: 166329863. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
Instant payment
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:07 28.02.17. Batch: 166332043.
02.28.17 20:47 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 166349888. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:03 01.03.17. Batch: 166742427.
03.01.17 23:11 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 166774823. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
Instant payment
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:47 02.03.17. Batch: 166902073.
03.02.17 17:11 Received Payment 0.5 USD from account U12815954. Batch: 166888592. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.
The insurance has ended
The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Accounts: U12815954->U39*****. Memo: API Payment. AGRARIAN BENEFIT LTD.. Date: 18:00 03.03.17. Batch: 167049819.