Investment bots, who are they?

Welcome, dear readers of my blog.

Today I want to talk to You about a relatively new direction in investing – working with investment bots on the platform Telegram.

For starters, let's see what the bot investment. Essentially this is a simple set of functions and codes, which provides almost standalone operation the investment project. These programs can respond to requests or messages to send the news or carry on a simple dialogue with the user.

And, of course, as with all new technologies, investment bots could not go unnoticed among the administrators of the investment funds.

First and foremost, the investment of bot, before the start of their work helps the Creator of the project to save money for creating the site. Why book a multi-page portal with many functions, if you can create a simple website, and the whole process of investing to move into the space of Telegram messenger?

The second is protection of the messenger. For anybody not a secret that this platform was originally conceived and implemented as the protected. Our acquaintance Pavel Durov, has made every effort to create a platform with maximum data protection and the latest encryption methods. In fact, he did it.

Which is only the fact that the leadership of the Telegram willing to pay 100,000 USD anyone who finds even the slightest vulnerability in their platform.

Taking a decision on investment bot, the administrator of the project loses another headache – the need of spending money on the protection of the site and the "off" from "ddoser", which by blackmail and threats "fill" try to extort the leadership of the investment Fund. Such is the "racketeering" is now very popular in the network. Want to work – pay for safety.

The third and, perhaps, the critical moment – "hands-free". After the launch of the investment of the bot, the project administrator, there is no need to perform complex manipulations:

  • to process requests for the withdrawal;
  • to monitor the statistics of the Fund;
  • to study the flows and users;
  • answer questions, etc.

This bot can do it himself.

It completely excludes errors due to "the human factor". Machine, you know, it works more reliably than people.

For those who think that "the human factor" has no role in such activity, I will note that the know at least 7 projects ruined themselves administrators due to the fact that somewhere something clicked or accidentally transferred a project with instant payments to manual.

Based on everything I've described above – you can make one simple conclusion: investment bots that friends, colleagues and brothers, the future of the HYIP industry, if you want. At the moment there are already many projects working on the platform Telegram have earned the respect of a large number of users. Recall what I represented to Your attention less than a week ago.

However, keep in mind that "behind the wheel" this investment is perfectly assembled machine is the man with your qualities: generosity/greed, focus to work on the result/the thirst for a quick profit, care about investors/only about their own pockets, hard work/laziness.

And thus how will behave the Creator of investment bot will behave and program. But it is only the executor of the will of man and not responsible for his orders.

That's all. I hope I gave You good food for thought and I will be glad to discuss this topic with You in chat my blog, which, incidentally, is also located in Telegram.

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